private estate

Day 4 of the Wedding Festivities ~ The Wedding Day

After a year of planning, 855 emails, countless phone calls, and several meetings, the much anticipated wedding day is here! The setup required 30 solid hours of labor, 20 crew members, a 30 foot truck, a pick-up truck and trailer, a sprinter, a Jeep Cherokee, a minivan, and a subaru - each packed to the brim! As the venue was built in the 1900's, we had a few challenges loading and unloading. The path leading from the driveway to the front door was 2.5 ft wide and 175 yards long. You can imagine the problems this posed for unloading couches, fire pits, and all sorts of equipment. We managed to gain access to a side road, which allowed us to drive 100 yds closer to the entrance. We still had to battle the rocks jutting out of the path, the stone steps, and a narrow doorway. Once everything was unloaded the stacks and piles were daunting. But, with the incredible A team on board - Bellissima Floral, Crux Events & Party Rents, and One Fine Day's team, we pulled it off with ease!

At 2:30pm, the furniture was in place, candles were lit, and the guests started to arrive. I took a few snapshots with my iphone  - obviously these are not even close to what Catherine Hall will produce, but they will give you a little glimpse!

Top left - the ceremony took place on the beach with benches built by Crux Events, petals covering the altar, and a lovely lounge setting in the back. Top right - Bellissima dressed up the chandeliers to modernize the look of the 110 year old dining room. Bottom - intimate lounge settings overlooking the lake were placed on the decks, lawn, and beach.

The overall look was romantic, organic, and very comfortable. I can't wait to see Catherine Hall's photos - stay tuned!